Sunday, July 17, 2011

Teaser of what to come - Second Macaron Book - " What's your flavour ? " Competition

Hello guys

Here is a teaser of what to come in the coming months.

I'll give out 10% discount coupons on to my fellow bloggers when the book is launch to say thank you so much for your support.

It's simple, to get the coupon, simply tell me by commenting below :

" What is the macaron flavour that you fancy the most ? "

Let your imagination flies!! The one flavour which is the most creative will win a 15% coupon!


  1. I like pistachio and matcha flavoured ones but matcha wins because I love green tea and it tend to be less sweet. I have a lasting impression of Herme's Depayse...

  2. Passionfruit and Mango mouse? Or howabout Lemon and Lychee tea infused buttercream?

  3. I am a rose fan. But I've done a durian one, LOL. Doesn't smell so bad.
