Ohh shoooo ... it's March... I meant to do so many thing and time just flies !!!
Oh well March is going to be a busy month, as we will be visiting London to meet up with my sis-in-law and a new friend I had met in an animal protection group.
It's good and important for me to meet up with some people who are like minded with me. This makes me feel at least I am not alone in the battle to fight for the animals and it's always good to have thelm around when someday I feel so powerless against all the cruelty we have in the world.
So why am I telling you guys all this? Because I have created the Cat macarons for this challenge and they are my compassion to support a good friend of mine who had recently founded an association to help abandoned cats in Lorraine. They are doing a dinner and classical music night to help raising fund for the Lorraine SPA, the animal shelter in the region. She had asked me if I would like to participate. Unfortunately I have already booked the ticket to London and will not be in France the night of the event. However I made 100 macs in advance and keep them in the freezer and they will be offered for the event. All benefits will go to the association.
I am not including the recipe because they are classic white and black chocolate ganache that I had already posted in the previous posts. If any of you are interested, please kindly let me know and :)